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The qualification and commitment of our employees are the basis for the success of our company.

Our apprentice team 2019
Our apprentice team 2019

We continuously invest in the training and further education of our employees. As a qualified training company, every year we offer young career starters the opportunity to obtain a solid base for in both the technical and commercial fields.

If you are interested in one of our vacancies, please send us your detailed application documents.

Our current vacancies

Ausbildung Verfahrensmechaniker für Kunststoff- und Kautschuktechnik (m/w/d)

Ausbildung zum Verfahrensmechaniker für Kunststoff- und Kautschuktechnik (m/w/d)


Arbeitsplatz/Ort: Sachsenheim-Ochsenbach (Deutschland)


Trygonal Group GmbH
Martin Auber
Neue Heimat 22
74343 Sachsenheim
Telefon: +49 7046 9610-0

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Avete domande?

Il nostro team di esperti è a vostra disposizione in qualsiasi momento per rispondere alle vostre domande.