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Semi-finished Products Shop

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Please note: Only numerical specifications with max. two decimal places (after the decimal point) separated by a comma or a point are valid for the search. Both fields are mandatory and must be filled in.

HPU premium rot/red
HPU premium stahlblau/steel blue
HPU premium nachtblau/night blue
HPU premium schwarz/black
HPU premium transparent
HPU gecco grün/green
HPU premium gelb/yellow
HPU premium hellblau/light blue
HPU premium türkis/turquoise
HPU taiga nachtblau/night blue
HPU diet rot/red
HPU diet transparent
HPU lubric schwarz/black
HPU mellow schwarz/black
HPU mellow weissgrün/white green
HPU spring transparent
XHPU solid rot/red
XHPU solid schwarz/black
XHPU solid gelb/yellow
XHPU solid dunkelrot/ dark red
XHPU solid türkis/turquoise
NBR standard schwarz/black
NBR solid schwarz/black
NBR taiga schwarz/black
NBR diet weiss/white
HNBR diet grün/green
HNBR solid schwarz/black
HNBR ED schwarz/black
EPDM spring schwarz/black
EPDM diet weiss/white
MVQ diet weiss/white
MVQ diet transparent
MVQ diet blau/blue
FPM diet braun/brown
FPM diet weiss/white
FPM DCP schwarz/black
FPM BS3 schwarz/black
FPM ED schwarz/black
Aflas ED schwarz/black
AEM schwarz/black
POM natur
PA6G natur
PTFE rein
PTFE bronze
PTFE carbon
PTFE glass MoS2

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